Can You Flip an Online Class? Article Now Available!

In my first Faculty Focus article, I teamed up with my colleague at Flip It Consulting, Barbi Honeycutt, to explore the question, “Can we flip an online class?”  We believe the answer is Yes!  We just have to think about the flip a little differently.

Here’s an excerpt of the article:

One way to address this is to apply the flipped philosophy to the online classroom. The flipped classroom model can help us design more interactive and engaging online learning experiences, and online classes can help us expand on what it means to flip. Certainly there is something to learn by combining these two conversations.

During the past two years, the flipped classroom has been defined as reversing what happens “in” and “out” of the classroom. Some scholars define the flip even more specifically as reversing homework and lectures where students watch videos of lectures for homework “out of class” and then engage in problem-solving and analysis “in class”.

But what happens when we apply this flipped model to an online class? The “in” class and “out of class” terminology doesn’t work. In the online class, what exactly is “class time” and what is “before class time”? If the definition of the flipped classroom always distinguishes between “in class” and “out of class”, how can we apply the flipped approach to an online class? This is why we need to expand the definition of the flip.

Read the complete article from Faculty Focus.

Are you interested in adding more flipped strategies to your online class?  Get your copy of 101 Ways to FLIP Your Online Class! Available in print and in digital format for the Kindle. Contact Dr. Honeycutt for bulk discounts which are available for orders of 10 printed books or more.

If you’d like to learn more about this topic and participate in the discussions, join Barbi and me as we facilitate the Faculty Focus online seminar, The Flipped Approach to Online Learning.  Date:  April 22, 2014.

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